Topic Reports

Calibrate the trajectory of China economy

China govenment should step up the efforts to pivot toward increasing household income and stimulating the consumption

Mismatched economic engine
Facing the headwinds in economic development, China govenment should step up the efforts to pivot toward increasing household income and stimulating the consumption.
China fights for maintaining trade surplus tooth and nall
This has put China government in an unenviable position. Right now the only avenue for China is to keep huge amount of trade suplus.
How to choose the Chinese economy in a last ditch battle
By in large, economic transition is the most pressing issue that China govrenment must grapple with. Whether or not successful economic transition will absolutely determine
China economy's divergence between decision and implementation
Central Political Bureau Economic meeting in April. 2019 indicated that domestic economy is facing downward pressure

Be vigilant of the issue of overcapacity

With the economic development and the missadjustment of policy, industrial overcapacity will be the new normal

Concerns raised by industrial subsidies

industrial subsidies policy which has been implemented for ling time raised the concern of the western.