Topic Reports

Consumption--the real catalyst of China economic recovery

China’s economic challenges have given rise to deflationary pressures that present a global concern

Structural Reforms Are Extremely Imperative For China Economy
Theoretically every society that’s undergone major economic transition inevitably experiences some level of tumult and growing pains.
It Is The Right Time To Transition Into What More Mature Economy
Growth in China has been weighed down over the past year by a slump in the country’s traditional economic pillars of real estate, infrastructure
Is China Economy Finding Its Footing?
Fitch forecast China’s economic growth would slow to 4.5% in 2024 from 5.2% last year, while the International Monetary Fund expected China’s GDP to grow 4.6% this year
Why Consumption Matters For China Economy?
Economic maturity is characterized as being more heavily reliant on consumers, the services industry and high-value and sustainability-driven products

Why China consumers and businesses lack confidence

Par for the course, a government-led push to stimulate and stabilize growth through easy credit

China Is Facing A Confidence Deficit

Investors are closely watching China, whose stock market gyrations